Eastern View

Eastern View

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Mimosa Pudica and other seedlings

Here is a short clip of my "sensitive plant"(Mimosa pudica) seedling learning the ropes:
And here is a New Mexico Privet(Forestiera neomexicana) seedling developing it's first set of true leaves:

Here are some Mulberry tree seedlings:

And here is my Honeyberry(Lonicera caerulea) budding out:

  And finally a recent sunrise(click for larger image):

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Plant Red Screen Test

I'm exploring screening my plants on a background for future video editing purposes.
Because plants are green a green screen obviously won't work. Red is the opposite of green and this pink color was the closest I could find at the store.

I'm using a Siberian Pea Shrub seedling as a reference.
After removing the background and adding text and other overlays, I ended up with this:
And here is a pinon tree that has popped up from seed. Cool beginning!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

1st Post of 2015!

I have been scarifying and stratifying a number of seeds and will be germinating them over the next couple of months.

My Goji berry plants were started in October. I germinated seed from berries I bought at the local health food store.

Goji berry plants are a shrub that is native to the Himalayas and listed as hardy to zone 5. Since I am on the cusp of zone 5, I anticipate some extra winter protection being required.
But I believe it is worth the effort as the berries are extremely high in antioxidants and have a very good assortment of amino acids.

Over the next few months I will be starting a lot of seeds, beginning with perennials and trees including sea buckthorn, siberian pea shrub, honey locust, aronia berry, serviceberry, asparagus, hazelnut and much more.

Happy New Year!